Start a chapter

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Bring the healing power of music to heroes in your town.

Thank you for your interest in starting a chapter!

Thank you for your interest in starting a new Guitars for Vets (G4V) chapter. We are currently focused on opening new chapters in the regions listed below.

Our team will prioritize new chapter applications from these areas.
These locations will be removed as they are opened, and this list may change throughout the year.


1. New Mexico – Preferably in Otero, Sierra, or Catron County
2. Utah – Preferably Salt Lake City area
3. Wyoming – Preferably near Cheyenne
4. Alaska – Preferably near Anchorage
5. Nebraska – Preferably Sarpy County
6. New Hampshire
7. Mississippi – Preferably near Jackson
8. Arkansas – Preferably near Benton
9. Kansas – Preferably in Geary County
10. Delaware
11. Las Vegas, NV
12. Texas


If you are in or near any of the locations, please complete the following application. At the end, you will be redirected to schedule an interview with Melissa Johnson | G4V Application

If you are not from the areas listed above you may still complete an application to open a new G4V Chapter. We will keep your application on file and contact you as our needs evolve.

If you are within 100 miles of a chapter, please consider reaching out to the local chapter coordinator about opening a satellite lesson location. To see all active chapters, please head to